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NEOMA in the rankings

International rankings

Financial Times rankings

Financial Times – European Business Schools 2023 – 34th place


This leading ranking at global level ranks this year the 90 best institutions in Europe. NEOMA is ranked in 34th in Europe, up 7 places, and 9th in France (unchanged).This ranking is based on a compilation of the several rankings carried out over the year. In 2023, the following programmes of NEOMA were ranked:

Financial Times – Masters in Management 2023 – 25th place


NEOMA is ranked 25th worldwide and 6th in France. More specifically, NEOMA Master in Management (MiM) programme scores well on:

  • International faculty (#8 worldwide)
  • Carbon footprint (a new criterion, #8)
  • International course experiences (#9)
  • Strength of alumni network (a new criterion, #14)

Financial Times – Masters en Finance 2021 – 30th place


This ranking ranks 55 institutions around the world. NEOMA is ranked 30th in the world and 9th among French Business Schools. 

One can note our good ranking in the following criteria: « Female faculty », « International faculty and « International course experience ».

Financial Times – Executive MBA programmes 2023 – 46th place


NEOMA Business School is ranked 468th world-wide and 7th in France. Our Global EMBA is well positioned on:

  • The diversity of the faculty: 3rdin the world (in terms of internationalisation and proportion of female faculty)
  • Graduate satisfaction: 9thworldwide
  • Percentage of courses devoted to CSR: 10thworldwide
  • Carbon footprint (new criterion): 14thworldwide
  • Pre-EMBA work experience: 22ndworldwide

Financial Times – Executive Education – Customised programmes 2023 – 36th place


NEOMA is ranked 36th in the world.

NEOMA customised programmes have made considerable progress (+16 places) mainly thanks to an improvement in customer satisfaction.

The Economist ranking

Masters in Management 2021 – 15th place

NEOMA Business School is ranked 15th world-wide in this prestigious ranking, and 4th in France for its Master in Management NEOMA BS. This performance confirms the academic excellence of the programme, which is particularly outstanding in the following criteria:

  • Diversity of sectors occupied by graduates: 1st place world-wide
  • Power of the alumni network: 5th place world-wide

QS World University Ranking – Executive MBA 2020

  • NEOMA BS 6th in France29th in Europe and 61st in the World.

French rankings

Challenges 2024 Business Schools ranking

  • Master in Management Programme is ranked 6th
  • Global BBA is ranked 3rd

Specifically, NEOMA holds:

  • the 6th position for « Power »
  • 5th for International
  • 8th for CSR (a criterion that combines CSR and diversity).

L’Etudiant rankings

L’Etudiant 2024 – French business schools – 7th place

NEOMA is ranked 7th among the post-preparatory schools and 8th in the overall ranking.

NEOMA Master in Management (Programme Grande Ecole) scores well on:

  • The international dimension, assessed in particular through accredited international partners (5/5), international exposure during the programme (4/5) and the school’s global reputation as reflected in international rankings (4/5).
  • Academic excellence, as measured by the number of professors with a PhD from accredited universities (4/5)
  • Graduate satisfaction (4/5).

Le Figaro rankings

Le Figaro 2024 – Business schools – 7th place

Le Point rankings

Le Point 2023 – MiM and 4-year Bachelor

NEOMA MiM (PGE) programme is positioned in 6th place, and stands out for the criteria of academic recognition (1st place), salaries at graduation (2nd place), and internationalisation (4th place).

4-year Bachelor’s degrees

NEOMA Global BBA is in 6th place and CESEM in the 5th place.

New sustainability and green transition ranking

This year, Le Point has added a new ranking of schools most involved in sustainability and the green transition. NEOMA is positioned in 8th place.

Ranking Le Parisien

Business Schools 2023 by Le Parisien: NEOMA in 7th place

Le Parisien ranks the NEOMA Master in Management in 7th place, the same position as last year. In the thematic rankings, the Master in Management (MiM) stands out in particular for the internationalisation of its faculty and research.


ChangeNOW/Les Echos START ranking

NEOMA at the 8th place of the business and engineering schools most committed to the environmental and societal transition.


NEOMA scores well on:

  • The proportion of courses that include environmental and social topics
  • The number of researchers working on environmental and social transition issues
  • The number of graduates working in high-impact sectors.


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